Featured MIDE Landing Page Video Mockup
Landing page redesign for the Missouri Institute for Defense and Energy
Focus on a modern redesign that is easy to navigate for a diverse audience with different technological literacies.
GOAL: To clearly communicate purpose, and make information easily accessible to those wanting to learn more about MIDE
A desktop and mobile experience that played with the idea of creating an experience for a company with an unusual premise. The goal was to think outside the box and create a website that translated well to mobile.
I also played with adding a video to the Home page since modern websites often use videos as a way to create a captivating and clean landing page.

Gaming News Website
A desktop website designed to display captivating and modern visuals for people looking to get updated on the latest news in entertainment. I tested my skills by designing components that were interactive and captivating.
Each section is curated to a specific audience for easy access to the information the user wants.

An online food ordering app for a fictitious restaurant. The UI is supposed to convey a lot of information is a small space. The goal was to design an ecommerce app from beginning to end.

A workplace mobile app designed for people of varying ages and technological literacies. The app is supposed to be simple and easy to use so workers can communicate with each other seamlessly and effortlessly.